DAZ Studio 101  

DAZ Studio 101

3D for Humans

Author: Jay Versluis

Join me in this foundation course on how to use DAZ Studio. It covers everything from 3D concepts, installation, updates, how to use DAZ content, and takes you on your first steps to creating stunning photorealistic images. Think of this as a 3D for Humans course, both for beginners and medium casuals alike. For more advanced concepts, check out Jays 3D Podcast.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Technology

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DAZ Studio 117 – Global Illumination, Environment Lighting, IBL and HDRI explained
Monday, 30 December, 2019

In this episode I’ll tell you much of what I know about the Environment Lighting in DAZ Studio. This technique is also known as Global Illumination. I’ll explain the meanings of such cryptic abbreviations as IBL and HDRI, and how all these pieces fall together to make your scenes look handsome. This is a continuation ... Read more


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