Off The Beat Podcast  

Off The Beat Podcast

Off The Beat Podcast, featuring public safety exp

Author: DJ Seals

Off The Beat Podcast, featuring public safety expert DJ Seals, explores the challenges and changes facing the law enforcement industry. Hear DJs unique and experienced perspective covering topics from command center best-practices and current events, to important legislation and community engagement techniques. DJ has earned a wide range of policing knowledge and hopes this platform can help to educate and extend the conversation for all agencies. Stay diligent. Stay educated. Stay safe. DJ SEALS: Daniel Seals began his law enforcement career with the Covington Police Department in Covington, Ga., a suburb of metro Atlanta. In less than two years, he was promoted to the Criminal Investigations Division where he was in charge of investigating major felonies to include Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery, Child Pornography, Copper Theft, Identity Theft and Embezzlement in the millions of dollars. Many of his cases have led to other states and foreign countries where he worked with various state and federal law enforcement agencies to apprehend the suspects. Detective Seals has amassed nearly 2000 hours of POST training and is a master of interview/interrogation techniques, a certified Computer Voice Stress Examiner, and a certified Crime Scene Tech as well as serving as point man/entry leader on the Newton County/Covington SWAT team for nearly 10 years. In 2009, he was tasked to create an Intelligence Division and to direct the entire department toward the Intelligence Led Policing Model of law enforcement. Detective Seals became a graduate of the Alpha Group (a world leader in Intelligence Officer training), set up a secure intelligence database using, among other tools, the Public Engines software suite, including CrimeReports, CommandCentral and TipSoft. Since the inception of that unit, he has received hundreds of training hours with regard to Intelligence, including Intelligence Analysis, Criminal Investigative Analysis, Intelligence Gathering, Terrorism, Security and In
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Genres: Government

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Today we read from the e-mail bag!
Friday, 9 August, 2024

Join me as I answer questions from my listeners. I will cover, sworn vs. non sworn in dispatch centers, a Detective's greatest fears and should Law Enforcement officials be elected. If you would like to submit a question, email me at


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