The LAN Party  

The LAN Party

In which a group of friends come together to discuss gaming, and the parts of it they love, as well as love to hate. Brought to you by Brendan Croasdale and Andrew Nelson, as well as a handful of other nerds they call friends.

Author: The LAN Party

In which a group of friends come together to discuss gaming, and the parts of it they love, as well as love to hate. Brought to you by Brendan Croasdale and Andrew Nelson, along with a handful of gamer nerds we call friends.
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Language: en

Genres: Hobbies, Leisure, Video Games

Contact email: Get it

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Episode Eleven - The LAN Party Talks: Heroes of the Storm
Tuesday, 7 April, 2015

This week we discuss Heroes of the Storm and how we feel about micro transactions


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