Looking Within - A Contemplative Podcast  

Looking Within - A Contemplative Podcast

Looking Within is a podcast to help you quiet your mind, settle your body, and see Gods presence in your everyday life.

Author: Julie Stevens

Looking Within is a podcast to help you quiet your mind, settle your body, and see Gods presence in your everyday life. Julie Stevens leads this program with the hope your time together will help you to feel more grounded, whole, and filled with a growing desire to be a conduit of Gods love and presence to the world around you.
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Language: en

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Goodbye for now, but hello as well!
Episode 96
Monday, 7 June, 2021

This is the final episode for now of “Looking Within,” but we’re very excited to be offering a new Facebook page called the “Looking Within Collective” to help you on your inner journey!


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