Buckets & Boom Gates  

Buckets & Boom Gates

Entrepreneur Community Sharing Real Stories

Author: Kim White - My Sexy Business Team & Community

Behind the scenes stories of real entrepreneurs and business owners making an impact while learning to make an income doing it. Confessions, funnies, experiences, cautionary tales, and much more are wrapped into the conversations in the BBG Studio. This podcast is for anyone interested in building a business that they own and doesn't own them. Join us for weekly chats with tears and giggles along the way.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Education, Entrepreneurship, Self-Improvement

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Practicing This Will Change Your Business and Your Life! It's A Super Hack Challenge
Episode 85
Friday, 6 December, 2024

Kim White and Jill Olish, plus a live audience, are back in the BBG studio talking about a super hack that Kim sometimes gets teased about. They will fill you in on another piece of the Sticky Note Time process in this episode about going to the airport and focusing without distractions. Focusing on what it is you need to doCutting off all notificationsStart small, it starts getting a little scary, sometimes you don't want to let anyone down When you do one thing at a time by going to the airport, you can get more doneWhat you thought you could do in an hour, you might realize you can do in a lot less timeIt's about honoring your priorities, honoring the fact that your business supports your lifeSpeaking of Buckets and Boom Gates... A bucket is a way to break things down into a smaller thing like batching, and time blocking (check out episodes 83 & 84). The trifecta is when you understand those two and you add going to the airport, the boom gate. Take a shot at this super hack challenge and try going to the airport yourself for one hour, Kim and Jill would love to know how it went.Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!You are invited to join us Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!See you next week, love y'all!


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