The Empowered Spirit Show  

The Empowered Spirit Show

Author: The Empowered Spirit Show

Welcome to The Empowered Spirit Show with your host Terri Ann Heiman who explores the connection to the human soul in a way that helps you better navigate your life including crisis. Its the spiritual but not religious connection that she talks about and according to recent statistics, its the fastest growing movement right now. Her mission is to help you open up to your own intuitive guidance, and the metaphysical world of Spirit to empower you to find your confidence and your own inner guidance. Take a pause, be inspired and learn ways you can show up more dynamic, more enriched and more fulfilled.
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Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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A Spiritual Pep Talk - Messages for Spring
Episode 342
Saturday, 15 March, 2025

This podcast is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter, which is located in Homewood, AL. Visit to book an appointment and restore peace to your body, mind, and spirit. You can also find them on Instagram at @Ritualsheltershoppe and on Pinterest at Ritual+Shelter. As this podcast airs, we find ourselves in the eclipse season, which brings a mix of highs and lows, unexpected events, or perhaps a sense of calm. That's the intriguing nature of eclipses—planets are in motion, and the sun, moon, and earth are aligning. The stars are shining bright, and the days are becoming longer. There's a lot of cosmic energy at play. We are also experiencing a shift in consciousness as we transition through different ages, known as Yugas. What does this mean for you? How can you become more aware and willing to expand your consciousness? It's important to step out of your comfort zone and let go of the things that keep you stagnant. I understand how tempting it is to cling to what feels familiar. It’s easy to think that if we just hold on tight, everything will be okay. This is similar to the Four of Pentacles in the Tarot, where we believe that holding onto everything ensures stability. However, life doesn't work that way. There’s so much more on the horizon that we may not see, but we can feel it, trust it, and know it’s there. Over the weekend, I drove eight hours to Florida to spend time with my family, spanning several generations—actually, I think we had four generations there! It was a wonderful experience filled with laughter and connection, as we all come from different backgrounds. Being with family is comforting and loving, and it felt great to share my experiences and incorporate the lessons from our family history into my personal growth. However, what I really want to highlight is that during my drive, I had the chance to listen to numerous episodes of the Telepathy Tapes. I also enjoyed listening to Brooke Shields, who was fantastic, and I highly recommend her book. The Telepathy Tapes are fascinating. The research discussed in them isn't new; it's been ongoing, but much has been revealed that goes beyond conventional limits. This reminds me of Dr. Brian Weiss and his groundbreaking work with hypnosis and past-life regression, which he initially kept quiet. Similarly, there are children with extraordinary gifts that show we can expand our consciousness, even as societal pressures try to limit us. I have been teaching this work for a long time, and I feel a strong inner knowing that this is important for all of us. If you've felt a desire to learn more about your intuition or understand empathic energy, I offer classes and mentoring to help you develop these skills. It starts with you saying, "Yes, I want to learn."  Perhaps you have a child who struggles to communicate but shows signs of creativity, sensitivity, or special talents. Now is the time to explore and train these skills to enhance communication, love, and empowerment for everyone. We just experienced a full moon lunar eclipse. As many of you know, full moons signify the illumination of our feelings followed by a release. Lunar eclipses amplify this energy significantly. This month's Virgo lunar eclipse highlights areas where we may be overly critical of ourselves and others, hindering our emotional growth. We need to recognize that perfection doesn't exist. To evolve, we must let go of Virgo's heavy traits and embrace its grounding qualities, like intelligence, strategy, and organization. These astrological shifts can lead to psychological disruptions on an individual level, but they also impact world leaders and can trigger unexpected collective events. Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon, symbolizing fated developments and deep introspection that can lead to healing. Our shadow side requires attention, and we should make space for significant change and liberation instead of ignoring our instincts for sudden shifts. This highlights the importance of having a spiritual practice right now. A spiritual practice can help you release energy that doesn't belong to you, center yourself, and ground your energy. There are many techniques you can incorporate into your daily life. If you need help getting started, consider scheduling a Soul Session to explore what you might be holding onto that keeps you feeling stuck. If you're unsure about what a Soul Session entails, you can also schedule a complimentary Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough call with me, and we can discuss how to move forward.  We've experienced the eclipses, we're coming out of Mercury retrograde, and we've passed through the Equinox. Now, we have one more significant event: a solar eclipse and new moon in Aries. This is monumental—it's a time of revolutionary energy and creation.  We're being asked to tap into that part of ourselves that yearns for change and growth. What inside you is evolving and shifting? Even if you don’t yet see the results, that’s okay. Embrace that feeling and raise your vibration for this new moon and solar eclipse. This is a crucial time for setting intentions. This month has been busy, filled with many internal changes. As you create, remember that part of you is emerging, ready to make those shifts. We are holding space for this light. This month is packed with information, transformation, and evolution—it's a time of breaking down old structures and beginning to build anew. There are significant shifts happening in the cosmos, the etheric realm, and the spiritual world that may not be covered in the news, but they are important. So, practice your spiritual skills and learn how to hold this light daily. When you feel discouraged—as we all do sometimes—just take a breath, acknowledge those feelings, and then return to your dreams and the miracles you wish to manifest.  This is how we hold the light and shift consciousness. Let’s take a moment to process all of this and open ourselves up to a meditation. I'll draw some cards to help guide you through this transition.


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