Think and Find FreedomTwo people start a network marketing business at the same time - both do the work required to build their business; one sees success and the other stays stuck where they are. What's the difference? Luck? Skills? Intelligence? NO! The difference is YOU. Author: Lisa Sauer & Katrina Allen
This podcast helps expand your mind, creating space for new ideas, new ways of thinking, living and being. Have you ever felt stuck by circumstance or trapped by life? Often, what happens to us is a reflection of our thoughts, the programming and subconscious beliefs we hold. Through a better understanding of our minds and the energy that surrounds us we're able to make positive adjustments to our thoughts as well as identify and bring awareness to those subconscious programs which may not be serving our greatest good. This awareness can result in positive and dramatic changes to your current reality over time. This information is for anyone who feels there is more to life than what they got taught at school! This podcast will open your mind to alternative realities and is essential for anyone wanting to live their best life! Language: en Genres: Alternative Health, Education, Health & Fitness, Self-Improvement Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000