Mission to Titan - for iPad/Mac/PC  

Mission to Titan - for iPad/Mac/PC

Author: The Open University

Have you ever wanted to explore a distant planet? In this exciting album, Titan, Saturns biggest moon, is revealed live before our eyes for the first time. In January 2005 the Huygens probe parachuted down from its mother ship, Cassini, through Titans murky atmosphere to rest on its mysterious frozen landscape. Equipped with an impressive array of scientific instruments, producing an incredible series of images, scientists now have a glimpse of what Earth may have been like before life evolved. The Cassini-Huygens achievement was humankinds first landing on a body in the Outer Solar System, and its extraordinary results will be studied in the worlds leading scientific journals for years to come.
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Language: en

Genres: Courses, Education

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Mission to Titan
Saturday, 18 July, 2009

An brief introduction to this album.


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