But Are You Listening?  

But Are You Listening?

Author: A.M.O

Meet AMO, your host of But Are You Listening? Each episode, she covers the headline stories and whats going on with our MPs, policies and the public scandals that come along with them. And listen in on what the public has to say too.
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Language: en-gb

Genres: News, News Commentary, Politics

Contact email: Get it

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Introducing But Are You Listening?
Episode 1
Friday, 14 October, 2022

Meet  AMO, your  host of But Are You Listening?  Each episode, she covers the headline stories and speaks her truths about what’s going on with our MPs, policies and the public scandals that come along with them. And listen in on what the public has to say too. Send us your thoughts to our twitter or instagram page @ButAreYouListening, TikTok @ButAreYouListeningUK or through email to to be featured on our socials and/or next episode.


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