Engineering the Future  

Engineering the Future

The Engineering the Future podcast features guest

Author: McKelvey Engineering

The Engineering the Future podcast features guests from across McKelvey Engineering who join science writer Shawn Ballard to chat about research, teaching, outreach and more.
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Language: en

Genres: Science

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Engineering Cardiovascular Health with Jessica Wagenseil
Tuesday, 4 March, 2025

In this episode of Engineering the Future, Jessica Wagenseil, professor of mechanical engineering & materials science and Vice Dean for Faculty Advancement, discusses how her interdisciplinary work combines mechanics and biology to understand cardiovascular health. Wagenseil uses computational models to predict disease progression and collaborates with physicians to help inform clinical decision-making and future therapies. She also shares her experiences with teaching, mentorship and outreach, including her work with the BrightPath STEAM Academy to encourage local youth interest in science and engineering.


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