

I am Dave Lee. Pro Snowboarder, turned entreprene

Author: Dave Lee

I am Dave Lee. Pro Snowboarder, turned entrepreneur. I've been part of a kick ass team that has built a successful snowboard brand, factory and subscription/media company. This podcast gives you insight into the how and why we do what we do. Small business, mountain culture, friends and family and a life-long dedication to a snowboard world that like many things in life has the ability to kick you in the teeth. Signal_Life is all about finding your own line in an often tracked out scene.
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Genres: Sports

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Podcast 10 Kyle Grant
Sunday, 10 January, 2016

Tuna for Sleds! Dave talks with snowboarder, fisherman and Entrepreneur Kyle Grant about creating a life in snowboarding own his own terms. Fishing in the off season, shredding in the winter. It's good advice to not let brands and sponsorships decide your fate or be your only motivation. If you love to ride, make it happen, and if it's authentic you'll find your support system.


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