Loose Cannon  

Loose Cannon

Welcome to Loose Cannon, the anti panel show. Brought to you by The Sheffield Revue, a comedy society from the University of Sheffield. The world is burning, come and join us as we perpetually chat.

Author: The Sheffield Revue

Loose Cannon is a weekly fast paced podcast in which revue members buckle down to answer the tough questions, tackle tough challenges, toss witticisms, and learn important life lessons along the way. No podcast is the same from week to week, apart from the name and theme song obviously. Listen on your way to work, during a court hearing, or while hiding from strangers in a toilet, as we deliver humorous ad-libs from the dying spleen of the steel city.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Leisure

Contact email: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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