The Faceless DepictionWhat our podcast is about: Rants, thoughts, the o Author: The Faceless Depiction Podcast
What our podcast is about: Rants, thoughts, the occasional trolling, critical laughs, jokes, silliness, fun, analysis and whatever poor half-arsed insights we have to share about MMA and life! If you dont like it well thats like your opinion, dude! ;-) This is a real podcast. No politically correct opinions wrapped in fancy words that by the time they were spoken they sound like a lawyers appeal. That said, you can either appreciate the authenticity in its raw flawed form or not but we are only here to entertain and nothing we say is meant to be taken seriously or judged by its terminology. The podcast is played at -1.0db audio PUBLIC FOLDER: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST FEED: ITUNES: FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: Want to email us with questions, feedback or anything else? Our email is CHECK OUR WEBSITE: BLUBRRY: YOUTUBE: Language: en Genres: Sports Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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UFC 210 Predictions And Why The UFC Is Dead
Sunday, 2 April, 2017
Predictions to UFC 210 Why the UFC is dead Why if things won't change this podcast is dead as well!