

Author: Cui-Bono

Media /Sensational analysis, Statistical analysis or Engineered analysis, lets stay on top and ahead of news & events with Cui Bono analysis. From the daily life happenings, crux line would be extracted to nurture informed opinions. Tune in to stay relevant, while we unleash the power of ideology to generate ()optimism-a ray of hope for co-existence Tweet. @ConectingDaDots.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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The Holy Month of Ramadan is a manifestation of Political strength of Religion
Monday, 11 March, 2024

Holy month,politics and religion,religio political,fasting,shariah law,commandments of Allah,The politics in Islam,Secularism,Mutual co existence,political ideology,socio political,The state of Medina ,Kingdom of Solomon,Prophet Yousaf (as) and Governance,Democracy and Islam,Law and Order,Charity,Flow of money,Distribution of wealth,


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