Red Wine Therapst  

Red Wine Therapst

It's like Howard Stern & The View had a baby. A drunk baby!

Author: Red Wine Therapst

Sex therapist Shaunte discusses sex/relationship lifestyles with spunky married mom, Alison; free-spirited single actress, Leah; and culturally refined gay monogamous Oscar over selected bottles of red wine every other Wednesday. Wine expert Grace discusses each selection and shares wine facts and tips. Live Tweet with us during recordings and Call in from 8:30-9:30pm CST to participate in the discussion or ask questions or for advice. Phone number revealed on our Twitter account @redwinetherapst
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Language: en-us

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality

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Season 2 Episode 6: Science of Attraction
Tuesday, 20 May, 2014

What is it that makes us attracted to someone else? Is personality more important than looks? How does the way you look involuntarily affect someone else? Also Wine Girl Lee teaches us some scientific things about wine while we drink it! As always we answer your calls and tweets! Our Whine Line is always open for you to text or leave a voicemail for us to listen to on our next recording. 612-888-4RWT Created By: Shaunte Collins, Jad Saxton, Leah Clark Produced By: Ardis Campbell, Jamie Napolitano, Leah Clark Hosted By: Shaunte Collins, Leah Clark, Jeremy Inman, Alison Viktorin, Oscar Seung, Lee Jamison Tweet with us @Redwinetherapst Like us on Facebook: The Redwine Therapist Podcast Instagram Us @Redwinetherapst Email Us: Follow Our Hosts: @Collinscouns, @leahrooo, @oscarseung, @theleejamison Instagram: @jeremyinman @alisonviktorin Special Thanks: We Rise Magazine, Spenser Pennington, Our Twitter and FB Followers


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