Design Your Life On Purpose!  

Design Your Life On Purpose!

Author: Cheri Honeycutt, M.Ed.

This podcast exists to help you get out of your Velvet Rut, that uncomfortable yet comfortable place of stuckness we often find ourselves in. It's here to help you take responsibility for your own happiness and dare to design and live the life you want. None of us accidentally get the life we crave. We only get there when we decide to create it On Purpose! This podcast is here to help you do just that! XO Cheri XO Cheri
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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Ep 69: Unveiling the Secrets of Time Alchemy with Ulrika Brattemark
Episode 69
Wednesday, 24 July, 2024

In this episode, join Cheri Honeycutt as she introduces her friend, Ulrika Brattemark, a time expert and coach for solopreneurs. They discuss the importance of curiosity and the power of connecting with others. Ulrika shares insights about her work and her community, Soul Sisters for Good. Tune in for an engaging conversation full of wisdom and inspiration! Do you like freebies? Sign up here to get Ulrika’s weekly time tips in your inbox! You can learn more about Ulrika and her work on her LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Her community Soul Sisters for Good can be found at its website:


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