People... And Why I Love Dogs.  

People... And Why I Love Dogs.

Author: Renee Cummings

Every week, a new guest talks about a dog theyve loved and how that dog has changed their life. Youll laugh, youll cry, and you might start barking. If you have ever had a dog or met a dog that has changed your life, then this podcast is for you! Each episode will feature a story from someone about a dog that has changed their life. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoy making the show! If youd like to be a part of the show, email me at, send me a message on Facebook at or on Instagram at WhyILoveDogsPodcast!
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

Contact email: Get it

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Did we get TWO NEW DOGS?
Episode 18
Thursday, 21 July, 2022

Welcome back! Last week we accepted two new dogs into our home... FOR 4 HOURS! Listen for the full story!  There are 4,000 beagles who were saved from testing facilities who will be looking for forever homes. If you're interested in helping these dogs or you want to adopt them, you can get more information at If you have ever had a dog or met a dog that has changed your life, then this podcast is for you! Each episode will feature a story from someone about a dog that has changed their life. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoy making the show! If you’d like to be a part of the show, email me at, send me a message on Facebook at or on Instagram at WhyILoveDogsPodcast! LISTEN HERE!


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