Pride and Prejudice  

Pride and Prejudice

Author: Aparna

Welcome! If youve reached this space, it means that you are an ally or want to be an ally of the LGBTQIA community. This podcast intends to bring to focus South Asian LGBT pride and identity and address some of the prejudices against them. It features interviews with various members of the community, all coming forward to share their journey in embracing their true identity. Theyve talked about their struggles and lessons learnt along the way in the hope that it will help other LGBTQIA people to make peace with their circumstances and be brave enough to be themselves.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality

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Vignesh Babaiah
Sunday, 25 June, 2023

Vignesh Babaiah was born in  Bengaluru and grew up in Hyderabad. Raised in a close-knit Telugu family, he was constantly surrounded by family and friends, who showered tons of affection, care and love.  He went to graduate school (Computer Science) in 2013 at the Northwest Missouri State University and has worked/lived in several states across the US. He has been in Dallas since 2016. He says that it has been an interesting journey to find himself, form his identity in the LGBTQIA+ community and learn how to embrace it every day that he exists. He has learnt to make his own traditions, unlearning and relearning ways of approaching life.  He is grateful to every person, situation and feeling that made him who he is and all that which is yet to come.    Please note that this is a segment that aired on Radio Caravan, Dallas, on June 22, 2023, to spread awareness during the Pride Month. It doesn't have his entire personal story and is just a small excerpt from his journey, but the full interview will follow.


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