Millennial Marriage  

Millennial Marriage

Author: Mike and Sydney Farrell

Mike and Sydney have been married for almost 5 years. In that short amount of time, they have gone through financial, emotional, physical and spiritual hardship. They are sharing their experience and interviewing other amazing couples in hopes that listeners would learn from their mistakes and feel encouraged that they're not alone.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality, Sexuality

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Divorce is an Option
Episode 11
Monday, 4 November, 2019

Marriage is more than a piece of paper. A union created by God that was never meant to be seperated. He allowed divorce to become a legal act in Moses' time. But what is divorce really affecting? It turns out that the chances of divorce are not 50/50, but that the decisions you make can create a higher likelihood of divorce. Mike shares his journey to realizing that he is more motivated to become a better husband knowing that divorce is an option rather than remaining in the strict "Christian" camp that divorce isn't an option. Verses quoted: Mark 10:6-9 Matthew 19:8-9 Matthew 5:31-32


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