The Middlests  

The Middlests

Author: Pedro L. Rodriguez

A podcast made by and for people in the middle of their careers - dealing with the ups, downs and anxieties. The Middlests explores the reality of being in the middle while finding tangible advice from experts on how to manage the uncertainty and figure out what we want to be when we grow up. Because we cant be the only ones who havent developed their 15-year plan.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Careers, Education, Self-Improvement

Contact email: Get it

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iTunes ID: Get it

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Best of The Middlests: Season 1
Monday, 7 December, 2020

Middlest creators and hosts, Steph & Pedro reflect on launching the first  year of the podcast and truly owning the experience in the midst of a pandemic and learning about becoming resilient as a result.The impact of topics and guests are reflected on, including Black Lives Matter and COVID-19. Steph & Pedro highlight learnings for professional and personal development that inspired them throughout 2020!Together they revisit conversations with Josh Lucido, Jasmine Harris, Kristen Cheung, and Barbarah Phillips. Tune-in for a look-back! 


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