

Author: HexxBaker

Original story teller
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Stories for Kids

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Rise of Herobrine
Episode 1
Tuesday, 20 October, 2020

He made it in, slamming the door just as a single arrow stuck it. He wasn't concerned though. Not about the skeletons at least. The room smelled of Lilys. There was a fresh batch of them on the center table, "she'll probably plant those tomorrow." "Alex?" No response.He called out just as he turned down the hallway way and stopped immediately. The sign says she wouldn't sleep at home tonight," I have a few things to discuss with the librarian." He was relieved,and scared all at once. This was perfect. He went in the room shutting the door firmly behind him. This was a bad idea. He walked over to the bed and moved it, revealing a trapdoor underneath. A secret he'd kept since the day before yesterday. The doorway to the destruction of his world. He jumped in. ************* Minecraft original series


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