The Science of Personality Podcast  

The Science of Personality Podcast

Author: Hogan Assessments

Personality affects the way we relate to the world and the people in it, how we work, who we love, and how other people see us. Although the study of personality is centuries old, our ability to understand and control such a complex and abstract concept is relatively new in the context of history. Featuring some of the worlds leading experts in personality psychology and business, this podcast explores the impact of personality on life, leadership, and organizational success.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Careers, Science, Social Sciences

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Evolutionary Psychology
Episode 120
Tuesday, 25 February, 2025

In the latest episode of The Science of Personality, Ryne and Blake are joined by Douglas Kenrick, PhD, professor of psychology at Arizona State University, to talk about evolutionary psychology. What are its primary concepts? What implications does it have? And why is it such a controversial topic to so many people? Dr. Kenrick has spent decades researching and lecturing on this topic and is viewed by his peers as one of the leading experts in this area. 


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