Raised to Stay  

Raised to Stay

Author: Natalie Runion

Raised To Stay is for those of us who have been both called and crushed, loved and sometimes left, welcomed and wounded by the Church yet our love for Jesus keeps us holding on. Pressing in. Staying. Raised to Stay is for those who have stayed. Those who have wandered. Its a call home. Not to just a physical church building but a call back to our first love, Jesus. Back to our original YES!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Christianity, Kids & Family, Religion & Spirituality

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Episode 8
Sunday, 2 June, 2024

Join Natalie for this special summer series of unpacking the black boxes.  This week we are unpacking a popular box, "Many don't want their foundations rebuilt on Jesus because they have grown comfortable with the one they've built on the world..."  Natalie shares the first four chapters of her new book, The House That Jesus Built and the challenges with inspecting our personal foundations in Christ as well as inspecting our foundations in the local church.


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