The APCT ReportAuthor: American Patriot Contact Tracers
The APCT Report provides Information, Knowledge, and Truth, from you the citizen journalists, the digital warriors, and the American Patriot Contact Tracers whose mantra is based on 3 key words, WE THE PEOPLE are here to protect the Constitutional Rights, and Liberty of all! ABOVE ALL!!! One Nation, Under God, with Liberty and Justice for all. Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Demonetizing Precious Metals: What Got Us Here (With Serenabit from APCT.NEWS)
Thursday, 25 February, 2021
Serenabit describes how silver and gold were demonetized, resulting in a transfer of wealth from the average American citizens to the debt collectors the unprecedented. 35% of all the money in circulation since the beginning of our country has come into circulation in the last year! There is a solution that would stop the coming crash, which Serenabit discusses here. www.APCT.NEWS MeWe: Telegram: Gab: Rumble: YouTube: