Mr Frontend PodcastIn the Mr Frontend Community podcast I try to hel Author: Raymon S
In the Mr Frontend Community podcast I try to help People who are (starting) in programming, web development, frontend development, backend development to keep motivated and firedup! Language: en Genres: Technology Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Mr Frontend Podcast #9: How to spice up your technical skills during the end of 2017 hollidays!
Friday, 15 December, 2017
In this episode (9) of the Mr Frontend Podcast, we are gonna talk about: "How to spice up your technical skills during the end of 2017 holidays!" NEW INTRO By Hyde - Free Instrumentals: WHY? - Build something cool or fun you enjoy while you set the requirements - You can learn something new! - Pick the Framework or Library you always wanted to learn or do it with Vanilla JavaScript! INSPIRATION - Build a Netflix clone with The MovieDB ( - Build a weather app with the Weather API ( - Build a blog with the WordPress JSON API, you may use the Mr Frontend WordPress API ( - Build a blog with the Medium API ( - Search your favorite Artist with the Spotify Search API ( - Build a User management system with the Random User API ( - Create custom QR codes with the QR Code Generator API ( - Build a wallpaper app with the Unsplash API ( SEARCHING FOR COOL APIS? Check: Let me know what you build with it during the holidays! Next week is the last episode of 2017! Then we take some time off and get ready for an energizing 2018 full of new stuff! If you like it like and share the podcast! And don’t forget to subscribe!! See you next week!!