Being 10:19 | Be Still. Be Deeply Loved.  

Being 10:19 | Be Still. Be Deeply Loved.

Author: Kristen E. Vincent

We are deeply loved by God. Thats the truth of our lives. But while that sounds fabulous, the reality is that most of us dont feel this deep love, at least not all the time. That's what Being 10:19 is about. We're finding ways to connect with, own, and revel in God's deep love. Along the way, we'll talk spiritual formation, healing, prayer beads, and more. We'd love it if you'd come hang out with us!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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BEad Still: How to Be with Prayer Beads
Episode 5
Monday, 22 January, 2018

Generally it’s fairly easy to get our bodies to be still. The harder part is getting our minds to do the same. One tool that may help is prayer beads. For thousands of years and across the globe, people have been using beads to quiet the mind and facilitate a connection to God. Yet for many Christians, particularly Protestants, the idea of using prayer beads is foreign, even taboo. But there’s a story in Scripture that may help you develop a new appreciation for prayer beads and other objects of prayer. So I hope you’ll join us to hear how beads can help us be.


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