Follow the YellowBrick Road  

Follow the YellowBrick Road

Author: Ashley White

A Former Miss Dallas long ago, former model Masters in Counseling my dreams were shattered as my current is MOM raising boys and with Lupus and RA. Im coming out of the fog and want to help you get your life on track or maybe I want you to help me get on track? Lets discover who we are and if being a MOM must be boring. I bought a Jeep, decked it out and used that as my mini mid life crisis. I have knocked at deaths door from an aneurysm and was given spiritual gifts that can tell you at once whats really going on if I listen to my gift. I love websleuthing, a good friend, music obsessed.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

Contact email: Get it

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My little life.
Friday, 10 January, 2020

Who are we away from our kids? I am a sick mom that is clawing her way to raise my children all while having fun. I don’t know if it can be done, but I’m going to try. Because we are moms and wives do we have to be boring ?


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