The Revenue Cycle Minute  

The Revenue Cycle Minute

Author: Warbird Revenue Cycle Optimization

The podcast is designed to assist healthcare providers, hospitals and physician practices ensure that their revenue ccyle represents best class operations, facilitates financial viability and exceeds customer expectations.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Health & Fitness, Medicine

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Ask the Experts - Credentialing
Wednesday, 17 July, 2024

The Revenue Cycle Minute proudly presents this special Ask the Experts—Credentialing conversation. This special edition focuses on all aspects of the credentialing process. Our credentialing Experts, Bernadette Hicks-Kelly and Michael Kelly, have decades of experience working with hospitals and physician practices of every size and specialty. One of the benefits of working with hospitals across the country is meeting passionate people committed to providing the best advice and action-oriented tips to improve your processes and your organization's financial viability. Bernadette and Michael are two such people. During this session, our Experts answer questions from CEOs, CFOs, Revenue Cycle Directors, and Credentialing Managers. Questions focus on areas such as: - best practice credentialing and re-credentialing processes - the importance of incorporating credentialing into your revenue cycle - tips on how to stay informed and up-to-date on industry updates and regulations - the importance of compliance - KPIs, checklists, and auditing your process - Bernadette’s critical three Cs in the credentialing process - and much more…. Our credentialing Experts provide tips, strategies, and insights you can implement today. If you have any questions, please contact our moderator, John Behn, at, our Experts, Bernadette, at, or Michael, at


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