KIDDO Chats  


Author: kiddomag

KIDDO Chats is a fresh, family oriented, local Aussie broadcast where we chitchat about all things parenting, kids and everything in between.Its the chat you have with your girlfriends, its the expert advice youve been looking for on google, its the attempt to find the answer to the question WHY IS MY KID DOING THAT??? KIDDO Chats is the 30 minutes you try to find in your day to just sit down with a cup of tea and take a breather. Or, lets be honest, its the 30 minutes you spend racing around like a mad woman trying to get stuff done with your earbuds in. Its ok, we get it!
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Language: en-au

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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