Rebelle Mystics RadioWhere rebelle meets mystic, punk meets priestess, loner meets extrovert, soulful meets down-to-earth, and F-bomb meets Om, and where this whole seemingly disparate brood is welcome to exist at the same time. Author: Kate Case & Pamella Heikel
Where rebelle meets mystic, punk meets priestess, loner meets extrovert, soulful meets down-to-earth, and F-bomb meets Om, and where this whole seemingly disparate brood is welcome to exist at the same time. Join Pamella Heikel and Kate Case as they dive into discussions that only long-time soul sisters and colleagues can have. They riff about being both skeptics and questioning patriarchal norms AND mystics who believe in a direct experience with something More. Join us as we bridge the gap between the everyday and the sacred as we explore the pitfalls of any one particular linear dogmatic perspective and the strengths that come from living in a cyclical fluid way in rhythm with Nature PLUS our struggles (and celebrations!) with both. Language: en Genres: Education, Religion & Spirituality, Self-Improvement Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000