Z.E.D.D. Radio  

Z.E.D.D. Radio

Z.E.D.D. Radio

Author: suedepup

If zombie pop culture is your obsession, you've come to the right place. Z.E.D.D. Radio is a safe-haven for those suffering from Zombie Enthusiast Deficiency Disorder. News, video games, books, movies, comics, television, and more - all covered...all zombie. Hurry! Get inside! (Email: / Twitter: @ZEDDRadio / Facebook: @ZEDDRadio)
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Language: en-us

Genres: Comedy, Leisure

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Episode 85 - The Scent of Lucille
Friday, 15 April, 2016

Hellooooo, survivors! This episode has a big big bite! Damian Legion and suedepup realize Negan's bat gets around and probably needs a bath. TWD Season 6 is over...and people bitch. A zombie puma kitten makes the gang smile, and Damian adds to his Z-shrine. Negan gets a backstory, and Garrett serves us an Italian Spaghetti Western with zombies! Pup reviews the 2nd installment of Telltale's Michonne game before the company gives you only 7 Days To Die. Don't be scared of Wayward Pines - it's ZR friendly! Beware farting corpses, and remember...Don't Grow Up. (eyeroll). Why can't Damian and Dead Space get along? Why aren't more babies named Jenga? Do the Saviors have an aromatherapy emporium? Come in and shrug your shoulders with us, survivors! Bartender Isaac has got your six! Not. Thank you for tuning in and subscribing, y'all! Please leave us a written iTunes review and follow us on Twitter and Facebook between shows! Stay safe out there, survivors! (Email: / Twitter: @ZEDDRadio / Facebook: ZEDDRadioPodcast)


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