Scottish Games Network Podcast  

Scottish Games Network Podcast

Author: Scottish Games Network

The official podcast of A weekly show where we discuss news from the world of gaming and generally just have a good time Background music: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: EX1VAMCYAZ0NDQ6F
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Language: en

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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Interview with Ally Low (Lowtek Games) | SGN Pod
Saturday, 29 May, 2021

On the podcast this week we have Ally Low, founder of LowTek Games. LowTek burst onto the indie scene last year and have continued to grow from there. Working on both retro games (that you can actually play on NES, Dreamcast and soon to come to Gameboy) and dyslexic friendly titles and game-making tools. We spoke to Ally in February before his talk at the Tinderbox collective's Play Away Festival. In this episode, Ryan and Ally sit down for a catch up on everything he's been up to since then (Spoilers, he's been busy... he always is).  Ally speaks about everything from his ever-growing Tik Tok presence to his work on his upcoming title, 'Tapeworkm Disco Puzzle' as well as the recent release of Disletek and his arts and crafts animation side projects! He has been incredibly busy, we're not even sure that he sleeps.  Also, Ryan is returning for this episode... If you have any feedback or questions, leave a comment below or send us an email. You can also get in touch with the show via the hashtag #SGNpodon Twitter or message us directly @ScottishGames.     Links: Ally on Twitter: Ally on TikTok: LowTek:


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