Afghans Empowered  

Afghans Empowered

Author: Mursel

Afghans Empowered is your space for representation and awareness. Learn about incredible non profit organizations and exceptional community leaders, find out about ways to get involved, and update yourself on current social issues that occur globally.
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Thursday, 15 July, 2021

Afghans Empowered speaks with Dr. Waheed Momand, President of the Executive Committee of the Grand National Movement of Afghanistan. GNMA is a grassroot movement that unites a number of  political parties, tribal councils, socio-cultural organizations, civil societies, women's and youth organizations, national, religious and tribal leaders, scientists, cultural and other independent figures, to advocate for the voice of all Afghan people. Through this movement, these groups have drafted and created the Afghan Road Map for Peace, a plan that has been decades in the making. Dr. Momand takes us through an oracle journey of GNMA’s history and its gradual inception since 2001. GNMA envisions a future republic where the voice of the people, not the strongmen, drive change for the democracy. GNMA will be releasing the Afghan Road Map to Peace shortly, and invites the international community to support the work of GNMA, and to become actively engaged in supporting a peaceful future of reconciliation in Afghanistan. Support the show


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