Pretty Perfect NOT  

Pretty Perfect NOT

Author: Sip and Spill with Slick

In order to change and become a different version of yourself you need to allow a shift to happen in your life. A shift in the position that you hold yourself to and a shift in the direction that you are heading towards. Time is the completing link needed in order to reassure that your change and shift enters into fruition or a complete fulfillment. Growth consist of all three of these things; 1. Change 2. Shift 3. Time With that being said welcome to my NEW podcast Pretty Perfect Not. Ready to grow with me ?
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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Healing : Daddy Issues
Friday, 2 September, 2022

Rickayia gets very vulnerable with us this episode as she dives into her own experience with grief after the loss of her father. She discusses how it effected her , how it created issues in her life and how she started her healing journey after years of being depressed. She shares how her ugly traumatic experiences turned into a beautiful road to a healed life


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