KickBack - The Global Anticorruption Podcast  

KickBack - The Global Anticorruption Podcast

This podcast series features in-depth interviews

Author: KickBack

This podcast series features in-depth interviews with a wide range of corruption experts, on questions such as: What have we learned from 20 years of (anti)corruption research? Why and how does power corrupt? Which theories help to make sense of corruption? What can we do to manage corruption? How to recovery stolen assets?
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Language: en

Genres: Science

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128. Kevin E. Davis on the FCPA enforcement pause
Tuesday, 11 March, 2025

This episode features a discussion between regular KB host Liz David-Barrett, and Kevin E. Davis, the Beller Family Professor of Business Law at NYU School of Law. Their conversation centres on the international regulation of bribery and corruption, specifically focusing on the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), following President Trump's recent suspension of its enforcement. The episode explores the potential implications for U.S. companies, foreign entities, and international anti-corruption efforts. Read Kevin's recent blog post on this issue here: And his paper on international regulation here:


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