

Author: Lewis Pauling

Podcast broadcasting Cornwall's Businesses, Culture and Community
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Government

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#028 Karen Oldham-Waring - Sunflower Training and Consultancy
Saturday, 9 June, 2018

Back to our regular broadcast! This week on the show my guest is Karen Oldham-Waring who runs Sunflower Training and Consultancy which she set up three years ago to helps businesses get the most out of the staff by really considering the mental health of their employees. She contacted me wanting to discuss Men's Health Week which runs from the 11th to the 17th of June and this conversation is great. We talk about how businesses should consider the mental health of their employees and how to mitigate problems. How and why people seem to be suffering more with depression and anxiety more today than in the past and loads of other topics relating to mental health for men and women. If you want to find out more about Karen and her business or need some extra resources to support yourself then go to or contact If you have any trouble with any of the topics discussed in the show then here are few other resources that can help; Samaritans: 01872 277277 or 116 123 or   If in doubt, rememer… A.S.K. Ask if suicide is on their mind Signpost to help Keep them safe until you can get them to secondary help   This weeks featured music is by St.Austell based band True Collision and the track is called "Get Crazy (With Me Tonight)" You can find them at; Official Site: Facebook: Youtube:   Thank you to The Weavers in Bodmin for allowing us to record If you want to know more about the Kernow Kast here are the links; YouTube:   Facebook:   Twitter and instagram: @KernowKast   iTunes:   Stitcher:   Website:   Thank you for listening and please if you have 2 minutes leave me a review on Apple Podcasts!


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