Lead Build Live Podcast - With Larry Boatright and Rob Colwill  

Lead Build Live Podcast - With Larry Boatright and Rob Colwill

Author: Larry Boatright and Rob Colwill

Its hard to balance leadership and life. Each episode features Larry Boatright, long-time leader of business and non-profit organizations, and Rob Colwill, entrepreneur and corporate innovation leader, as they interview leaders and thought leaders from a variety of spheres of leadership influence. If you are a leader, want to learn about leadership, or just want to hear some great career advice, this is the podcast for you.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Christianity, Management, Religion & Spirituality

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#10: 010 Making Relational Leadership Work
Tuesday, 25 June, 2019

Is it possible to invest relationally in your staff and still have a productive team?  John Atkinson, long-time pastor, coach, and consultant, thinks you can, and he contends that your total outputs over time will actually be greater than they would if you simply give them tasks. Join Rob & Larry as they talk with John about what Relational Leadership is, how to get started, and the impact it can make on you and your team.


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