

1 Minute tips on Personal Development and Self-Gr

Author: Rod Gomes

1 Minute tips on Personal Development and Self-Growth.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness

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069 - You Are Not Here To Try
Friday, 14 November, 2014

Welcome to 1 Minute Tips! You are not here to try. You are not here to be the person others want you to be. You are here to be yourself, with all your qualities and faults. It’s not your responsibility to worry whether others will like you for who you really are, or hate you for the same reason. It’s your duty to be yourself. That’s it! Some people will love you, they will find you funny, attractive. Others will look up to you, set you as their role model. Some people will think you’re boring or annoying. They will dislike everything you do. This is all part of the deal. We can’t please everyone. Keep sharing your magic. Don’t worry about what others will think. Remember that you have the right to be yourself, not the being people are expecting you to be, but your true self. I’m Rod Gomes and I’ll come back with another 1 minute tip soon. Until then, come say hello over at Take care, stay active, stay positive!


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