SAP Recruiter Podcast | ASAP Talent Services  

SAP Recruiter Podcast | ASAP Talent Services

Need highly qualified SAP talent? We'll bring you the absolute best SAP talent quickly.

Author: Jeremy Sisemore

We recruit and hire SAP talent from the CIO level to team members in virtually every type of SAP/ERP skill set. We will shrink your recruiting cycle and ensure you have premium access to the non-active talent pool. Request a FREE Consultation.
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A Quick Guide on Career Mapping
Wednesday, 17 June, 2020

If you aren’t already, it’s time to start hosting career mapping sessions with your employees. In today’s message, we’ll discuss why. Subscribe to my Video Updates Request a Free Consultation This is a bit of an older video I made, but the message of it still rings true today. If you’re in a leadership position within your company, there are a few things you need to know about using career mapping in your business. Before we get into what these things are, let’s first go over what career mapping is. Like a performance review, career mapping is designed to help you keep tabs on your employees. However, while a performance review is more about your perspective on how an employee is doing in their role, career mapping is more geared toward helping you and your employees understand the trajectory of their career. In short, performance reviews are driven by your perspective as a company leader, while career mapping sessions are driven by the employee’s perspective. Most career mapping these days is done via Zoom. With that out of the way, one of the first things any leader should know about career mapping is that these sessions should not coincide with performance reviews. Hosting them at different times of year is usually best. “ Career mapping conversations increase employee retention, engagement, productivity, and fellowship. ” Another good tip is to ask your employees what they do (and don’t) love about their career, as well as where they see themselves in three to five years. You should address their strengths and weaknesses, too, but always realize that someone’s strengths might not necessarily be their passions. When your employees know that you care, they’ll care more, too. For this reason, career mapping conversations increase employee retention, engagement, productivity, and fellowship. If you don’t already hold career mapping sessions, either virtually or in person, it’s time to start thinking about doing so. If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


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