Midtown Fellowship Church Downtown Podcast  

Midtown Fellowship Church Downtown Podcast

Nashville, TN

Author: Randy Draughon, Joel Walker, Dave Burden, and Tom Darnell

So what is Midtown? It is a community of people that are on a journey - a journey of experiencing the reality of a living relationship with a living God. We are a casual group of city dwellers that love a great cup of coffee, good friends and honest discussions about inconsistent messy people knowing and being loved by a very consistent unmessy God. Whether you are a long time Christ follower or someone that has more questions and doubts than faith (or both), Midtown is a safe place to journey. We would love for you to join us as we walk in this crazy world of scripture and listen to the amazing heart of an awesome God...
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Language: en-us

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

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Downtown Podcast Has Moved
Sunday, 1 January, 2012


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