

RNGSaveUs is a podcast featuring three friends ra

Author: RNGSaveUs

RNGSaveUs is a podcast featuring three friends ranting about games we love and hate. We will give you our brutally honest opinion on gaming news, releases and leaks. If you love getting you games with a splash of cynicism we are your one stop shop.
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Final Fantasy 7 demo and E3 cancellation. Ep 88
Thursday, 12 March, 2020

RNGSaveus is finally back and we are talking about the latest Final Fantasy 7 demo and the cancellation of E3 due to the corona virus. We talk about our impressions of the ff7 demo from 1st to subsequent playthroughs. And how we think not having E3 will or will not impact the gaking world. Twitter: Facebook: Patreon: Our Sponsor:


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