ABC of Innovation and Transformation  

ABC of Innovation and Transformation

Author: Mila Pirogov

Neuroscience Hacks to Innovation and Purpose-centered Transformation: From Aim through Align to Breakthrough From Chaos and Uncertainty to the Next Level of Order. - Aim clearly. - Align previously unrelated or conflicting elements. - Listen to understand. - Take multiple perspectives. - Integrate to break through. - Unlock energy and resources to scale. Connect on other platforms
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Management

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3 tips for senior leaders dealing with noise, friction and financial conundrum
Episode 1
Friday, 18 June, 2021

Today a number of senior leaders and executives are facing three main challenges: A lot of noise, A lot of friction due to changing priorities responding to noise; and Financial conundrum. In terms of what makes sense to fund and where to get funding. No significant result can be achieved until a leader and a team actually put some time to get clarity on the goals and clarity on the priorities so that they can work less and achieve more. Otherwise, this road leads to stress, burnout, ad value destruction. In order to grow, we must learn to transform. To take a path of transformation. Today I will give three tips on how to effectively deal with noise, friction, and financial conundrum.


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