The Issue  

The Issue

The Issue, brought to you by FDisruptors bringing

Author: The Issue brought to you by FDisruptors

The Issue, brought to you by FDisruptors bringing colourful voices together amplifying stories around tech, life, futures and our mission to create the next generation of purposeful, powerful, digitally agile young women
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Episode #3 Helen Pankhurst
Sunday, 9 September, 2018

This episode is hugely significant for us at FDisruptors HQ. Firstly because we interviewed the amazing Helen Pankhurst, great-granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst and granddaughter of Sylvia Pankhurst who were both leaders in the British suffragette movement, and recent author of the influential best seller Deeds not Words. Secondly because we did something that is close to our hearts - we paid it forward and invited one of our young FDisruptors, Bethany Percival, to interview her and spend time chatting through the legacy of the suffragette movement, the influence this still has on young women and gender equality today and how far we still have to go to truly see positive change around gender parity and equality. Beth has her own story to tell as Helen very kindly turned from guest to interviewer and delved into Beth's career journey into tech, her opinion on equality in today's society and their opinions on how things needed to change and progress. Quite honestly it was fascinating to listen to two women from different generations share their vision for the future and we enjoyed every single moment. Helen's rallying call - to achieve gender and pay parity by 2028 is still ringing in our ears and we have wholeheartedly integrated it into our mission. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we did.


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