Web Rush  

Web Rush

Author: Dan Wahlin, John Papa, Ward Bell, Craig Shoemaker

Dive into JavaScript and Web development stories with hosts John Papa, Ward Bell, Craig Shoemaker, and Dan Wahlin. Web Rush is a weekly podcast where we tackle the challenges facing Web developers today and invite expert guests on the show to share their experience solving concrete problems while building real Web applications. Listen for practical insights and honest talk about the topics you are facing today, with Web Rush. Sponsored by AG Grid and
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Episode 290: The Next.js for Angular - Analog
Episode 290
Thursday, 25 July, 2024

Host(s):John Papa @John_PapaWard Bell @WardBellCraig Shoemaker @craigshoemakerGuest:Brandon Roberts on @brandontrobertsRecording date: July 18, 2024Brought to you byAG GridIdeaBladeResources:AnalogJSAngularSpartanShipping What You Use - Open Source Chronicles with Brandon RobertsThe meta framework Next.js for ReactThe meta framework SvelteKit for SvelteThe meta framework Nuxt.js for VueRemix vs Next.jsAnalog.js vs Next.jsGet started with Analog and AngularIgor MinarVideo of SSR, Full Stack, Angular and Analog at ngRomePlaywright testing frameworkWeb Rush Episode 235: Playwright with Debbie O’BrienAnalogJS on GitHubAnalogJS InsightsTimejumps00:39 What's the next thing you're going to be working on?01:44 Welcome Brandon Roberts back03:34 What is AnalogJS?05:54 Sponsor: Ag Grid07:00 How have meta frameworks changed over the years?13:31 Getting frustrated at the lack of convention in Angular15:02 Why are these features in a meta framework instead of being part of Angular?17:10 What do I need to learn to use Analog that differs from Angular?20:45 Sponsor: IdeaBlade21:44 How do I need to think about designing an app to use Analog?32:38 What's next for Analog?34:49 Final thoughtsPodcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.


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