The Barry and Chef Show!  

The Barry and Chef Show!

*NOTICE* All new podcasts will be uploaded to iTu

Author: The Barry and Chef Show!

*NOTICE* All new podcasts will be uploaded to iTunes, along with everything before them. iTunes is linked along with the G and YouTube links. Two best friends, both with a sick sense of humor. Only hilarity can ensue! (We apologize for how unprofessional we may seem, since this is our first podcast and, of course, we aren't going to be all great. We will get better as time goes on, though, since both of us are very critical of ourselves, so please bare with us as we will improve and continue to deliver better and more entertaining content! Again, we apologize for our rocky start!)
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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#7 B&C Show! [The Meaning Of Life]
Friday, 18 September, 2015

Welcome back to the amazing podcast known as the Barry and Chef Show! The podcast were we go off topic about everything! In this episode we talk about life, old ladies, Mario, and more...


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