Walkabout the Galaxy  

Walkabout the Galaxy

Author: Joshua Colwell, Adrienne Dove, and James Cooney

An irreverent and informative tour of the latest, greatest, and most interesting discoveries in astronomy.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Natural Sciences, Science

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Mysterious Dark Comets
Episode 380
Wednesday, 18 December, 2024

We know about extinct comets and active asteroids, but now we've got something in between: dark comets, whose orbits indicate cometary activity, but we can't see it! We'll get the scoop on these interesting objects, a flare from a supermassive black hole, and a twist on the question of the age of Saturn's rings. Plus, we have our end-of-the-year rocket launch roundup, and a special astrophysical FLOD stumper for top quark Jim Cooney. 


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