The Royal Society of Medicine's Orthopaedic Section Podcast  

The Royal Society of Medicine's Orthopaedic Section Podcast

Author: Akib Khan

This podcast features global experts and key opinion leaders discussing innovation, progress and current practice within their subspecialties. Produced by Akib Khan who is an Orthopaedic Registrar on the Orthopaedics Section Council at the Royal Society of Medicine.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Medicine

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Ep 48: Professor Nando Ferreira: Limb reconstruction and musculoskeletal infections
Episode 48
Tuesday, 25 June, 2024

In Episode 48 we speak with Professor Nando Ferreira (Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa) who is an internationally renowned expert in the world of limb reconstruction and musculoskeletal infections. He is an experienced clinical professor with a strong educational and academic background. In this episode we speak about: 01:30: BACKGROUND 1. His background, career choice and what's was his the draw towards limb reconstruction? His training in South Africa and in Russia. Building the limb reconstruction unit and winning allies. 13:55: ACADEMIA 2. Academia including obtaining a PhD through publication, research protocols in South Africa and research that he is the most proud of. 21:50: CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS 3. Clinical considerations including limb reconstruction and the surgical management of musculoskeletal infections 46:10: CONTEMPORARY CAREER 4. Contemporary career, having an international outlook and the limb reconstruction / framing course 56:00: TEACHING AND TRAINING 5. Tips and tricks for early career surgeons


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