Maitreya The Friend of All SoulsMaitreya The Friend Author: Maitreya Friend Language: en-us Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Maitreya's Declaration
Friday, 18 March, 2011
Maitreya's Declaration Maitreya The Friend of all Souls What can I say to you except The Truth? And what good can or could come of saying anything other than The Truth to you? If you were to join me because of a lie – it would only be a matter of time before The Truth would reveal itself and it would all come to nothing. Or, worse. No! I can see no good to come from pretense. Only The Truth sets all Souls free of Suffering, Sorrow, Pain, Death and Rebirth. Therefore, I show you myself in the light of Truth and let the decision as to what you will do – be your own - just as the decision and decisions as to what I will do are my own. Because this Teacher/Student, Leader/Follower, Satguru/Sishya relationship is a two-way street. You must accept me, but for it to come to anything, I must also accept you. The main difference between you and me is that I have what you need – not the other way around. And you must bear in mind, that while I am pledged to give God’s New Covenant and Supreme Promise of Universal Salvation and Liberation to all Souls and Free all Souls from the Endless Wheel of Birth, Suffering, Sorrow, Pain, Death and Rebirth – I am not obligated to you – personally - at this or any particular time. For, you see, I must – by this very obligation – choose – hopefully wisely – who I spend my very limited time on and with. And my criteria is and must be – that I will spend my time the most and my attention most intensely on those who can and are willing and able to do the most to elevate themselves Spiritually – and most important, who will do the most to further our Holy Mission of getting God’s New Covenant to all Souls and getting all Souls Home to Perfect Final Union with God and Perfect Total Freedom; by helping me to create Divine Critical Mass and bring forth The Age of Universal God’s Pure Divine Truth for the Salvation and Liberation of all Souls and to Secure the Continued Survival of Humanity. I am not in this world to take – but to give. And you – if you would become a Maitreyian and follow me according to God’s New Covenant and Supreme Promise – must come to me and stay with me as I come to you – not to take - but to give. This is The Truth. You must be right, ready, willing and able to follow me – for that is God’s requirement for fulfilling His New Covenant. You must also be right, ready, willing and able to give of yourself and your resources to all Suffering Souls as I have done and do. And, you may not come and soak up or dilute my energy, time, efforts or resources into yourself for yourself alone. There are plenty of “teachers” who are selling themselves for money who are ready, though usually not able, to help you with you and your problems. I am not one of them. If you want to follow me – and fulfill God’s New Covenant and attain Perfect Final Union with God and Perfect Total Freedom – you must forget yourself and serve Humanity by serving me and God in The Holy Cause, Mission and Purpose He has given me to accomplish in this world for the Universal Salvation and Liberation of all Souls and the Continued Survival of Humanity. Nothing less will do. This is The Truth – for better or worse. Because of this, the first thing is for you to decide is whether to accept me as Maitreya The Friend of All Souls and receive God’s New Covenant and Supreme Promise and to make my Holy Mission your Holy Mission through my Holy Initiation. And, above all, to follow me according to God’s New Covenant. This is the first thing, because until and unless you do so, there is nothing more for us to do.The second thing is for me to decide whether or not to accept you into my Religion and Holy Order and Community as a Maitreyian. In this, you have no say. As your decision is and must be purely your own, my decision is and must be directly made by me or made by me through a Maitreyian in Good Faith whom I have appointed to decide on my behalf, guided by my outer Teachings and Instructions and by my Inner Divine Guidance and that of God. But you can influence the outcome by your attitude and your actions. Whether it comes directly from me or from one I have appointed and anointed to act on my behalf, my decision is final and is not arguable. But it is not capricious and will often be based on how you perform and interact with myself and other Maitreyians during your trial period. Because the bottom line for me is primarily how well you can work in harmony and unity with me and my Maitreyians and, above all, how much you contribute practically and in Spirit to the furtherance of that harmony and unity and the advancement of my and our Holy Mission. And, in the reverse, how much you cause disharmony or division or detract from or cause distraction from the internal harmony and the external advancement of the Holy Mission. This is the main test you must pass and continue to pass for as long as you are a Maitreyian and a member of my Holy Order and Holy Community. Also involved in this “test” is how quickly and how well you accept, adopt and make my Religion and our Values and Ways your own and progress toward becoming a Soldier of The Light and living a life of True Selfless Service to God, myself, our Holy Order, Community and Mission and to all Suffering Souls. If all of these tests are met and passed and you find yourself to be a natural fit with them and me and us, you will have a happy time and life as a Maitreyian. If not, then the best thing is for you to go your way in peace, for you will be miserable and will make those who are naturally comfortable with being Maitreyians miserable. And, bluntly and honestly, I and those who are appointed and anointed by me to be guardians of my Religion will exclude you from my Holy Order and Community; not because I want to, for I am not in this world to exclude any Soul. But, because my Holy Cause, Purpose and Mission and the Salvation and Liberation of all Souls and the Continued Survival of Humanity must be my first and foremost consideration. If you are offended or put off by these words you have read or my attitude or approach – then you will certainly fail to meet the challenge and pass the tests required for a man or woman to become a Maitreyian and it is far better that you stop now and go upon another way. But, if you are inspired and excited by what you have read, then you have a good chance of passing these tests and entering into Service as a Maitreyian and, later as Soldier of The Light. Jai Bhagavan Ji! Victory To God The Beloved. Victory to Our Holy CauseMaitreya The Friend of All Souls 16 Honor 59 AF (3/16/2011 AD) 3:32 a.m.