TALKKITUP with Angela Mariea  

TALKKITUP with Angela Mariea

Author: TalkkitUp with Angela Mariea

Interviewing Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs, Advocating for DYSLEXIA. My LIFE JOURNEYSLIFE LESSONS and my PASSIONS. I will also have productbook reviews. Segments on NETWORK MARKETING and SOCIAL MEDIA with Secrets of how I grow my platforms. Segments with talented people looking for a platform to tell their AMAZING journeys and stories! And of course... Storytelling about real life issues.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Marketing

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Heyyyy TalkkitUp Loves!!! Meet me here on weekly🎙for NEW EPISODES.
Tuesday, 6 June, 2023

Hi everyone this is Angela Mariea with TalkkitUp. And I am a dyslexic blogger. I want you to know that straight and upfront because my goal is to show that dyslexics are gifted to. There are so many #dyslexia private groups that I am a part of on social media and so many #dyslexics embarrassed or depressed about their learning with dyslexia. They feel, they have nothing to offer the society. Well I am here to let them know that is not so. You take what you have and you build upon it optimistically and you make it work for you. Open doors by your ownfaith. Breakdown stigmas and glass shields by walking on the waters of Faith according to your purpose. Don't have one? Ask▪Seek▪Knock. I did that! This is what God has done for me. I walk with my head up; knowing that dyslexia does not have me, but I am in control of my dyslexia in how I perceive myself. It has not stopped me from being creative; it has not stopped me from going forth collaborating with people from around the world. In fact it has been more of an advantage than a disadvantage. Big SHOUTOUT to that grown @#$ #bully that tried to poke fun of my writing skills and spelling errors 4 years ago. They may have shut me down for 2 weeks back then (I cried with embarrassment), but God said, "I didn't tell you to quit. Get back on that HORSE!!!" It will be 4 years November 10th 2020 and all my #socialmedia platforms combined is 17K 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾!!! To God Be the GLORY " So, I encourage you to start and do it scared if you must!!! Your confidence will GROW. Your faith will STRENGTHEN. You village will FIND YOU. As I begin to let my audience's know; dyslexia was a part of me and not to miss the "💎diamond messages" while picking out spelling and grammatical errors, it was a #gamechanger of RESPECT for my craft that began to develop on my social media platforms. I was not giving up. I'm still out here diligently. You take ME as I AM because dyslexia is part of my package. Yet, I give you compassionate, zealous, vibrant, lively information about the people and things I market, create and promote. Tune in every week for something extraordinary from this dyslexic blogger. I'll see you then!____________________ #hitmeup for #collaborations or you can #followme at and #TalkkitUp #dyslexicblogger #advocator #awareness #writer #vlogger #storyteller #podcaster #contentcreator #graphicsdesigner #socialmediamarketer #dyslexicauthor #dyslexic #dyslexiaawareness #1n5 💜💜💜


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