

GeekGirl Meets is a podcast that showcases female

Author: GeekGirl Meetup UK

GeekGirl Meets is a podcast that showcases female role models. GeekGirl host Cathy White (cathywhite10 on twitter), interviews an incredible woman in tech to unpick her career and provide inspiration for anyone considering a career change, looking to get motivated and wanting to explore the unknown.
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Language: en

Genres: Technology

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GeekGirl Meets Lauren Ingram, Marketing Manager at 360i Europe
Saturday, 18 August, 2018

This time we meet up with GeekGirl Lauren Ingram, a senior marketer specialising in PR, events and social media, with experience in agencies and tech startups. In early 2017 she launched Power Suit Social, a creative community which aims to keep creativity commercially viable. As if all this was not enough, Lauren is also a mentor mentor for SheSays, as well as an active member of the DevelopHer community for women in tech, and a member of and mentor for ONE! She’s a winner of awards such as: “2017 The Drum 50 Under 30 women in digital” and “2018 Pitch 100 Superwomen in the creative industries”.


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